Is Life Insurance a Matter of Life or Death?
You are not planning to have a heart attack tomorrow, or get a cancer diagnosis, or accidentally step out in front of bus. For that reason, especially if you are young and healthy, life insurance probably isn't for you. Or is it?
Life Insurance Stats:
- 40% of American adults have no life insurance.
- Over 50% of U.S. households lack adequate life insurance coverage.
- About 40% of people surveyed say they would have immediate financial trouble if the primary wage earner in their household died.
As with all insurance, life insurance is about preparing for the unexpected. We may fret about the unforeseen, but there are ways to prepare for it. Life insurance provides a way to be prepared and have peace of mind. The main reason to buy life insurance is for financial protection for your family and dependents. If you are the sole income earner or the major provider in your family, then life insurance definitely makes sense. If you should die unexpectedly, your policy will help your loved ones pay your final expenses and potentially receive ongoing support.
Choosing a life insurance plan requires a bit of math. You want to figure out how much your family needs for daily spending and major upcoming expenses in the event you pass away too soon and cannot provide for them. Of, if you are young, single and healthy, you can look at the cost of paying off any debt you have accumulated, or the cost of care for an aging parent.
Whatever your need is, we can help find you the right policy for the welfare of your family. For more information about life insurance, contact one of our specialists today.

580.223.7300 / 800.797.3371
(Information/stats from Trusted Choice®)