When does your deductible and maximum out-of-pocket begin? Most people believe that their deductible and max out-of-pocket begins when the policy is put in place and starts over each year at renewal/open enrollment. Unfortunately that is not the case. Most insurance companies' deductibles and max out-of-pockets begin January 1st and end December 31st, no matter when your renewal/open enrollment is. Why is this important? If you change insurance companies mid-year and that insurance company doesn't give you deductible credit, you will have to start over to meet your new deductible. This is why it is so important to find a Trusted Choice® Benefits Specialist to guide you through the process and help you not spend money where you don't want or need to spend it. When it comes to employee benefits, never assume and always verify.
If I can help design a customized benefit plan for your business, please give me a call at (580) 223-7300, or shoot me an email: jbramlett@bramlettagency.com
Jake Bramlett
Complex Risk Advisor
Posted Tuesday, September 23 2014 2:29 PM
Tags : health insurance, deductible, max out of pocket, trusted choice, open enrollment, benefit plan
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